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Perez Hilton

Whatever he gives me, I hope it's not an STD.

Jillian in Boston

Why you hatin' son! Don't blame PEREZ AT PEREZHILTON.COM, cuz his blog is better, and has more readers.....SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT


I would recognize Perez anywhere!


That's funny how you made the name up. Another latino name [not meant offensively] + another hotel..hmmm..who could that be...Love the juicy jacket Perez


That's funny how you made the name up. Another latino name [not meant offensively] + another hotel..hmmm..who could that be...Love the juicy jacket Perez


That's funny how you made the name up. Another latino name [not meant offensively] + another hotel..hmmm..who could that be...Love the juicy jacket Perez


That's funny how you made the name up. Another latino name [not meant offensively] + another hotel..hmmm..who could that be...Love the juicy jacket Perez


That's funny how you made the name up. Another latino name [not meant offensively] + another hotel..hmmm..who could that be...Love the juicy jacket Perez

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