Separated at Birth? Right: A refreshed and recovering Kylie Minogue Leftt: Muff-Divin' Top-Model Kim Stolz
They look nothing alike, different face structure, different hair (Kylie had her hair sworn off because of breast cancer btw), Kim looks like a cross between Gerald Way (My Chemical Romance) and Katherine Moennig (Shane from L Word)
Kim isnt THAT thin and shes soooo cute even if she is so leave her alone!!!! now Kylie is T-H-I-N!!!!
so yeah feel free 2 disagree but kim is the hottest girl iv ever seen so lay off
They look nothing alike, different face structure, different hair (Kylie had her hair sworn off because of breast cancer btw), Kim looks like a cross between Gerald Way (My Chemical Romance) and Katherine Moennig (Shane from L Word)
Posted by: Jamie | November 08, 2006 at 01:04 AM
Kim isnt THAT thin and shes soooo cute even if she is so leave her alone!!!! now Kylie is T-H-I-N!!!!
so yeah feel free 2 disagree but kim is the hottest girl iv ever seen so lay off
Posted by: annalise | April 09, 2007 at 07:25 PM