Looks like Janice Dickinson is not only the "world's first supermodel", but she's also the "world's first supermodel from the future"!
So-Thin! reader Nathan got a glimpse of the out of this world crackhead cover girl in mid-orbit, running around Santa Monica's Third Street Promenade with reality camera crew in tow WHILE RIDING A SEGWAY, dangerously plowing through shoppers and homeless alike.
Nathan tells So-Thin! "there was a HUGE crowd swarming around her - she looked drunk fun as she ran around the streets screaming at people and playing with technology" Thanks Nathan!
Speaking of Janice, if you too want to blast off make it big, Dickinson's crew has been hammering her myspace friends over the head with announcements of the casting call she's having this weekend for her new untitled reality show. So-Thin! is currently on a 3-day fast in hopes to look good enough for Sat when we go down there to bask in the presence of Ms. Stick-Thin herself. What? We trying to lose 3 lbs!
Wanna run up your phone bill? - The Janice Dickinson Models Hotline: (310) 428-2217