We here at So-Thin love it when we get molested by intoxicated D-listy reality stars! And what better place to get our unsolicted grove on than a launch party for Fox's new show Reality Remix. Not really sure what the show's all about, but we did get to see some of our fav reality stars (minus those laguna beach kids, damn it) get So Drunk!
So without further ado, let's watch as So-thin's Justin & Nick share their photos of them "celebrating" with the winners of So-thin's annual "SO-DRUNK" Battle of the Network Reality Stars!

Coming in last place is everyone's favorite villian Omarrrrrrosa - girlfriend managed to keep it sober, even with Janice "first super model ever" Dickenson glaring at her from behind the whole party.So creepy!

In fourth place is Norm (Real World, Season 1) who's appetite for younger men is almost as big as his lack of career. So Old!

Coming in third is Britney (Top Model, Cycle 4), who could barely talk, but LOVED to kiss. Girlfriend's lost more than a few pounds and braincells. So Sad!

Taking second place is Nikki Mckibbon (American Idol, Season 1), who managed to slur, smoke, spit, and make out with Michele (Top Model, Cycle 4) ALL in one swoop around the bar. So Sick!

And the night's big winner? CHARLA (Amazing Race), who might be little, but can probably drink her weight in whiskey. She loved to talk, and loved to give high-fives even more. So drunk!